Book Arrives: April 15, 2015

I am proud to announce that Separation Anxiety: A Coming of Middle Age Story has been officially released in bookstores, online and in ebook formats. If this sounds a like a birth announcement, then this has been a very long pregnancy. But the delivery has been a dream — midwived by Page Two Publishing Strategies and Heritage Group Distribution who have helped me bring Separation Anxiety into the world. Thanks to everyone who has supported this book baby already: my advance readers, the “Pimm-siders” and early-bird buyers. And to all of you who know I’ve been writing  “something” for “quite some time” — here it is.

Help spread the word!  Here’s how:

  1. BUY the book  from your favourite local bookstore. (It’s the perfect gift for Mother’s Day, May 10th!)
  2.  – available online at  Chapters/  
  3.  – ebook format at Chapters/  Coming soon on Kindle.
  4.  VISIT my website for more information about Separation Anxiety, upcoming book events, bios, blogs.
  5. VIEW (and Like!) the book trailer — a wistful and heartfelt glimpse into how fragments of memory and story became this book. It’s a beautifully rendered
    video by James Wilson, instructor at
    Red Deer College School of Creative Arts. 
  6. ATTEND a launch at a bookstore near you – see below for places and dates. 
  7. SUGGEST Separation Anxiety for your book club. Check out discussion tips on my website. I also make house calls. Or Skype calls. Invite me into your discussion.
  8. RECOMMEND  Separation Anxiety to your friends. Please consider writing a short review for  Chapters/Indigo or Amazon or This helps spread the word to future readers!
  9.  FOLLOW ME  (and like me, really like me) on
  10.  SEND ME an email:  I love reading your responses to the book!

Thank you!

Let’s do LAUNCH!

We begin in Alberta, where the book and its author began…

Friday, April 24, 2015 7-9 pm
4924 50 Street

Thursday, May 7, 2015
7-9 pm
Owl’s Nest Books
815A 49 Avenue SW

Thursday, May 21, 2015
7-9 pm
Audreys Books
10702 Jasper Avenue  NW

Saturday, June 6, 2015
2-4 pm
Cafe Books
826 8th Street

and then 

June dates and locations TBA