Shout-out to Reader’s Digest

Reader's Digest

Reader’s Digest was our family magazine. While there were other magazines in the house: the serious Time, boring Better Homes and Gardens and lacklustre Jack and Jill (except for the brainteasers) Reader’s Digest was the one magazine we could share: that magical sampler of the best bits of grown-up books and periodicals.

It had something for everyone, its table of contents conveniently located right there on the front cover. And its sturdy compact size made for easy transport to every room in the house.

Our discussions at the supper table were often inspired by Reader’s Digest. It was the one meal where we were all together. My dad was a big fan of “Increase Your Word Power” and “Humour in Uniform.” My mom enjoyed the family and health features like “I am Joe’s [whatever].” My sisters and I loved “Drama in Real Life.” Narrow escapes from crushed cars or burning buildings or wild dogs. I still remember reading an excerpt from a memoir that kept me riveted: “My Siberian Childhood” from The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig. I hunted for that book in the library for months afterward.

So, how cool and prodigious (thank you, Word Power) it is to see an excerpt from Separation Anxiety in the March 2016 Reader’s Digest. Aptly titled “Here I Go Again on My Own,” I’m hoping that, somewhere, out there, Mom and Dad are having a discussion.
CLICK HERE to read full article
Link to complete excerpt “Here I Go Again on My Own.

  About Miji Campbell

I'm the author of the book Separation Anxiety - A Coming of Middle Age Story and founder of  Write Where You Are.  I design and deliver "Writeshops" my own light-hearted brand of writing workshop. Read my story here.

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